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Friday, July 24, 2009


The Dayton Valley Conservation District in 2003 completed Middle Carson River streambank stabilization and restoration project MCR 030. This project was located in the Dayton Valley area of Lyon County, Nevada. This project involved working with several Landowners along approximately 1,600 linear feet of streambank. The goals of the project is to reduce accelerated rates of erosion, enhance riparian vegetation, improve wildlife habitat and improve water quality overtime.
Construction of the project was completed during December of 2007. Construction involved re-grading existing vertical streambanks to 3:1 slopes and installing rock streambarbs, rock toe protection and rock refusal trenches to insure the integrity of the project and to encourage deposition of suspended sediments during high flow events, such as annual spring run-off.
During the fall and winter months bioenginnering treatments were installed utilizing dormant willow cuttings in the form of vertical willow bundles and pole plantings. Associated with the willow plantings the entire project area was seeded with creeping wild rye.
Durring This Project, 175 willow bundles were planted, 1100 feet of erosion control matting was installed, and approximately 4.5 acres was re-seeded. Th Bio-engineering portion of this project was completed in May 2008.
The Dayton Valley Conservation District would like to thank the Quilici Ranch and the Minor Ranch for their assistance with this project. The district would also like to thank State Lands Q1 program, Great Basin Conservation Crew Rapid Construction, Inc., R.O. Anderson Engineering, Inc., CWSD, CTWCD, NDEP, NDF, NRCS, WNRC&D, Lyon County and the River Wranglers for supporting this project.

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